This usually resulted in episodes with zero progress and opened up a lot more opportunities for fan criticisms that Arin had managed to completely avoid earlier. Around the 70-Star mark, the pacing suddenly ground to a halt as Arin's focus shifted from unlocking new worlds to backtracking to the old ones and completing all of the 100-Coin stars.

Super Mario 64's playthrough had actually been very good at avoiding this, Arin exceeding expectations as he was usually able to get multiple stars per episode.Early on, he got agonizingly lost during the playthrough and put a stop to it at episode 70 so he could request an in-depth fan-submitted walkthrough, and then went back to playing the game once he got his request accomplished. Arin didn't always beat the Gym Leaders in one go, either, and a lot of the Turn-Based Strategy gameplay drags on when he's in areas filled with tons of Pokémon trainers. Pokémon FireRed has reached over 100 episodes, and includes a lot of instances where Arin does an exhaustive amount of leveling up on-screen, stays in one area for a long period of time due to Rail Roading and NPC Roadblocks, and back-tracking.Wind Waker HD clocks in with 73 episodes, many of which go past the standard 10 to 15-minute episodes (with the longest being well over an hour).Made both more Hilarious in Hindsight and Harsher in Hindsight when you realize that it will stay unfinished. Not helping matters is that the Grumps themselves seemed bored with it by about halfway through Shadow's campaign, going on random tangents and having long stretches where they don't mention anything about the game. Silver's Story remedies this somewhat with radically different gameplay involving his Psychic Powers. The Sonic '06 playthrough contains at least twelve hours of content, and Shadow's Story isn't much different than Sonic's Story gameplay-wise while focusing on the actual plot.The Grumps have laughed about the idea in some episodes, though Suzy's somewhat uncomfortable with it. There's also "Poly Grumps," which acknowledges Arin's marriage to Suzy while also shipping him with Dan. Actor Shipping: There are circles that ship Arin and Dan together.This is lampshaded by giggling from Dodger. In their Pacific Rim video, Jon says "I know, I'm inside you!" in regards to his and Arin's psychic connection."Stop trying to blow through it and enjoy yourself.".and then I turned over and I saw you there, and I knew it was alright." " Dude, I woke up this morning in your bed.From their Family Feud playthrough: "Name something fathers buy for their kids to play with themselves".