The game now seems to ignore the 'Restrict to Gender' flag and go only by the frame. Will conflict with any other mod replacing the female frame chest HotSpotControl: 0x8B18FF6E-0x00000000-0x00000000000023B7 Additional Credits:įixes the problem of males getting this slider.

There may be some distortion of necklines and straps at the extremes of the slider, depending on the clothing. The size can still be adjusted from the side view. This slider replaces breast size with breast separation from the front view.

I only made it go that far because it still looks fine with most clothes.*** Updated again for the June 2022 patch. But you don't have to take it that extreme. If you use nude mods, the smallest (pointiest) form this mod provides will also deform the nipples quite a lot. From the side view up and down will change the shape of the breasts and left and right will determine the size. Front view up, down, left and right will move the breasts up and down and separate or bring them closer. With the combination file you will basically have full control of the breasts: not any two directions will give the same deformations. This means you only need the combination file from this mod and you have to delete the Cmar's file. That being said: this mod does conflict with Cmar's Breast Separation Slider ( ) - To fix this, I made a combination package file, so you can get both sliders. Will conflict with any mods that use the ChestHotspotController for the female gender of either feminine or masculine frames. Dragging to left or right will make breasts larger and smaller. Drag upwards to make the breasts round and drag down for the breast to shape pointier. Adds a breast shape slider to CAS on the side profile view for teen, young adult, adult and elder females of either feminine or masculine frames.